A year In...
Hello, hello! Apparently I am on the annual plan for blog entries. A dear friend and clergy spouse warned me that as we embark on this journey, I should prepare for "the darks". Being the optimist I am, I smiled and went on my merry way, convinced that this adventure (a three year program to prepare Tim for ordination in the Episcopal church) would be nothing but roses. Of course, she was right. One of the best things I have done here for my soul is go to Spiritual Direction. It is just like a discipleship group--either one-on-one or in a larger group. Sometimes I just need to talk to someone, knowing the conversation will remain confidential. More often, we will contemplate a Psalm. Always, the Holy Spirit will guide as I peel off my unhealthy thoughts and rest in God's peace and proper perspective. What I have learned from the psalms is that happiness is not a state we should always expect to be in. Sometimes the psalmist is dancing for joy; sometimes he is weeping. That is life. That said, life is very good. Our family is happy and healthy here. Our oldest will be in college before we head back to Texas. These are precious moments. We are learning so much as we are all being formed for the ministry Tim is embarking on. And we have been humbled and blessed by all of our friend, family, and even strangers who have supported us on this journey.
Labels: family